#coding:utf-8# vim: encoding=utf-8:ft=python:et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:## Copyright (c) 2005 Scott Hurring.# Licensed under the GPL (undefined version). import types, string """Serialize class for the PHP serialization format. @version v0.4 BETA@author Scott Hurring; scott at hurring dot com@copyright Copyright (c) 2005 Scott Hurring@license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License$Id: PHPSerialize.py,v 1.1 2006/01/08 21:53:19 shurring Exp $ Most recent version can be found at:http://hurring.com/code/python/phpserialize/ Usage:# Create an instance of the serialize engines = PHPSerialize()# serialize some python data into a stringserialized_string = s.serialize(string)# encode a session list (php's session_encode) serialized_string = s.session_encode(list)""" class PHPSerialize(object): """ Class to serialize data using the PHP Serialize format. Usage: serialized_string = PHPSerialize().serialize(data) serialized_string = PHPSerialize().session_encode(list) """ def __init__(self): pass def session_encode(self, session): """Thanks to Ken Restivo for suggesting the addition of session_encode """ out = "" for (k,v) in session.items(): out = out + "%s|%s" % (k, self.serialize(v)) return out def serialize(self, data): return self.serialize_value(data) def is_int(self, data): """ Determine if a string var looks like an integer TODO: Make this do what PHP does, instead of a hack """ try: int(data) return True except: return False def serialize_key(self, data): """ Serialize a key, which follows different rules than when serializing values. Many thanks to Todd DeLuca for pointing out that keys are serialized differently than values! From http://us2.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php A key may be either an integer or a string. If a key is the standard representation of an integer, it will be interpreted as such (i.e. "8" will be interpreted as int 8, while "08" will be interpreted as "08"). Floats in key are truncated to integer. """ # Integer, Long, Float, Boolean => integer if type(data) is types.IntType or type(data) is types.LongType \ or type(data) is types.FloatType or type(data) is types.BooleanType: return "i:%s;" % int(data) # String => string or String => int (if string looks like int) elif type(data) is types.StringType: if self.is_int(data): return "i:%s;" % int(data) else: return "s:%i:\"%s\";" % (len(data), data); # None / NULL => empty string elif type(data) is types.NoneType: return "s:0:\"\";" # I dont know how to serialize this else: raise Exception("Unknown / Unhandled key type (%s)!" % type(data)) def serialize_value(self, data): """ Serialize a value. """ # Integer => integer if type(data) is types.IntType: return "i:%s;" % data # Float, Long => double elif type(data) is types.FloatType or type(data) is types.LongType: return "d:%s;" % data # String => string or String => int (if string looks like int) # Thanks to Todd DeLuca for noticing that PHP strings that # look like integers are serialized as ints by PHP elif type(data) is types.StringType: if self.is_int(data): return "i:%s;" % int(data) else: return "s:%i:\"%s\";" % (len(data), data); # None / NULL elif type(data) is types.NoneType: return "N;"; # Tuple and List => array # The 'a' array type is the only kind of list supported by PHP. # array keys are automagically numbered up from 0 elif type(data) is types.ListType or type(data) is types.TupleType: i = 0 out = [] # All arrays must have keys for k in data: out.append(self.serialize_key(i)) out.append(self.serialize_value(k)) i += 1 return "a:%i:{%s}" % (len(data), "".join(out)) # Dict => array # Dict is the Python analogy of a PHP array elif type(data) is types.DictType: out = [] for k in data: out.append(self.serialize_key(k)) out.append(self.serialize_value(data[k])) return "a:%i:{%s}" % (len(data), "".join(out)) # Boolean => bool elif type(data) is types.BooleanType: return "b:%i;" % (data == 1) # I dont know how to serialize this else: raise Exception("Unknown / Unhandled data type (%s)!" % type(data)) #!/usr/bin/env python2.4# vim: encoding=utf-8:ft=python:et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:## Copyright (c) 2005 Scott Hurring.# Licensed under the GPL (undefined version). import types, string, re """Unserialize class for the PHP serialization format. @version v0.4 BETA@author Scott Hurring; scott at hurring dot com@copyright Copyright (c) 2005 Scott Hurring@license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License$Id: PHPUnserialize.py,v 1.1 2006/01/08 21:53:19 shurring Exp $ Most recent version can be found at:http://hurring.com/code/python/phpserialize/ Usage:# Create an instance of the unserialize engineu = PHPUnserialize()# unserialize some string into python datadata = u.unserialize(serialized_string)""" class PHPUnserialize(object): """ Class to unserialize something from the PHP Serialize format. Usage: u = PHPUnserialize() data = u.unserialize(serialized_string) """ def __init__(self): pass def session_decode(self, data): """Thanks to Ken Restivo for suggesting the addition of session_encode """ session = {} while len(data) > 0: m = re.match('^(\w+)\|', data) if m: key = m.group(1) offset = len(key)+1 (dtype, dataoffset, value) = self._unserialize(data, offset) offset = offset + dataoffset data = data[offset:] session[key] = value else: # No more stuff to decode return session return session def unserialize(self, data): return self._unserialize(data, 0)[2] def _unserialize(self, data, offset=0): """ Find the next token and unserialize it. Recurse on array. offset = raw offset from start of data return (type, offset, value) """ buf = [] dtype = string.lower(data[offset:offset+1]) #print "# dtype =", dtype # 't:' = 2 chars dataoffset = offset + 2 typeconvert = lambda x : x chars = datalength = 0 # int => Integer if dtype == 'i': typeconvert = lambda x : int(x) (chars, readdata) = self.read_until(data, dataoffset, ';') # +1 for end semicolon dataoffset += chars + 1 # bool => Boolean elif dtype == 'b': typeconvert = lambda x : (int(x) == 1) (chars, readdata) = self.read_until(data, dataoffset, ';') # +1 for end semicolon dataoffset += chars + 1 # double => Floating Point elif dtype == 'd': typeconvert = lambda x : float(x) (chars, readdata) = self.read_until(data, dataoffset, ';') # +1 for end semicolon dataoffset += chars + 1 # n => None elif dtype == 'n': readdata = None # s => String elif dtype == 's': (chars, stringlength) = self.read_until(data, dataoffset, ':') # +2 for colons around length field dataoffset += chars + 2 # +1 for start quote (chars, readdata) = self.read_chars(data, dataoffset+1, int(stringlength)) # +2 for endquote semicolon dataoffset += chars + 2 if chars != int(stringlength) != int(readdata): raise Exception("String length mismatch") # array => Dict # If you originally serialized a Tuple or List, it will # be unserialized as a Dict. PHP doesn't have tuples or lists, # only arrays - so everything has to get converted into an array # when serializing and the original type of the array is lost elif dtype == 'a': readdata = {} # How many keys does this list have? (chars, keys) = self.read_until(data, dataoffset, ':') # +2 for colons around length field dataoffset += chars + 2 # Loop through and fetch this number of key/value pairs for i in range(0, int(keys)): # Read the key (ktype, kchars, key) = self._unserialize(data, dataoffset) dataoffset += kchars #print "Key(%i) = (%s, %i, %s) %i" % (i, ktype, kchars, key, dataoffset) # Read value of the key (vtype, vchars, value) = self._unserialize(data, dataoffset) dataoffset += vchars #print "Value(%i) = (%s, %i, %s) %i" % (i, vtype, vchars, value, dataoffset) # Set the list element readdata[key] = value # +1 for end semicolon dataoffset += 1 #chars = int(dataoffset) - start # I don't know how to unserialize this else: raise Exception("Unknown / Unhandled data type (%s)!" % dtype) return (dtype, dataoffset-offset, typeconvert(readdata)) def read_until(self, data, offset, stopchar): """ Read from data[offset] until you encounter some char 'stopchar'. """ buf = [] char = data[offset:offset+1] i = 2 while char != stopchar: # Consumed all the characters and havent found ';' if i+offset > len(data): raise Exception("Invalid") buf.append(char) char = data[offset+(i-1):offset+i] i += 1 # (chars_read, data) return (len(buf), "".join(buf)) def read_chars(self, data, offset, length): """ Read 'length' number of chars from data[offset]. """ buf = [] # Account for the starting quote char #offset += 1 for i in range(0, length): char = data[offset+(i-1):offset+i] buf.append(char) # (chars_read, data) return (len(buf), "".join(buf))def dumps(data, protocol=None): return PHPSerialize().serialize(data) def loads(data): return PHPUnserialize().unserialize(data)